5 Things to Start Spring

5 Things to Start Spring

Start Spring off right. Put some more bounce in your spring by setting some fun objectives that will enrich your days and get you a little bit more organized. We have five suggestions that focus on the home, the mind, the body, and the soul. Choose just one, or do all five for a healthy start to your spring.

Clear clutter

Choose your scariest corner full of clutter and tackle it this spring. Motivate yourself by setting a future intention for the area. Once you remove the clutter, the space can become a tidy storage area or yoga space. Keep your mind focused on the end of the transformation,, which will help take the sting off the actual work.

Plant flowers

Spring into the season by making over your garden. Plant something you’ve never planted before, or start a mini balcony garden if you don’t have a yard—choosing your flowers and setting them up is a wonderfully relaxing weekend task. What flowers you plant should be based on your geography and the exact week in spring you want to plant. This Urban Farmer Seed Calendar is a great tool for figuring out your seed planting schedule. Additional tool for garden planning: Crop Calculators.

Make a summer reading list

Can’t wait for those lackadaisical summer days when you can knock some classics or New York Times Bestsellers off your bookshelf and into your beach bag? Get a head start by making your reading list ahead of time. Create a shortlist of books that will bring you joy wherever your summer vacation will take you. Even if you don’t intend to leave your backyard. The kids can join the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge to keep them reading between school terms.

Start each day with a walk

Take the opportunity each morning to check in with your body, your community, and nature by taking a walk as soon as you wake up. Dog owners out there know the joys of an early morning walk, but there are ways to make each step count. Notice what thoughts come to your consciousness as you walk. Ask yourself: how can these ideas be used to steer you into having a happier, more productive, or more gracious day? Bonus: low-impact exercises, like walking, are ideal for burning fat.

Meet an old friend for tea or coffee

Social media makes it plausible for us to keep in touch with old friends, but what’s the point of keeping in touch if you never have a chance to see them once in a while? Choose someone special that you haven’t been able to meet up with in at least a year. Invite them out to your favorite coffee shop, or work this meet-up as an excuse to try that new pastry shop or tea house that has everyone talking.

Also check out 5 Easy Ways to Relieve Stress

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