Five Things to Do for This Earth

If you’re thinking about Earth Day and what you can do to make a difference for the planet, then you’ve come to the right place. There are all sorts of things that you could do to help more and Earth Day weekend is the best time to start.
Attend a Celebration
Throughout the country, there will be many celebrations going on where you can find out more about the Earth. You’ll be able to learn more on how to go green. And you’ll be able to find out some of the many things the Earth is doing for you. Not to mention you’ll learn about possibilities for improving the Earth. You might even get some help with some of our other tips.
Learn About Recycling, And Do It Yourself
A lot of cities will provide you with a recycling bin entirely free if you’re interested in helping out. Anything that you recycle is going to be broken down and made into new stuff. Instead of being dumped in the landfill, and that means less of the Earth being taken over by trash. That’s a good thing. On Earth Day, you can learn more about recycling. You can learn what you can recycle and how it’s helping the environment at the same time.
Plant a Tree
Planting trees are great for the entire planet. That one tree will help Mother Earth, but it’s also going to help all of us. It’s going to provide oxygen that we need to breathe. Not only that, but it’s going to provide shelter for many animals in the forest, shade for anyone who cares to sit under it and even food (depending on the type of tree) for some of the animals around. There’s no downside to planting a new tree and a whole lot of benefits.
Join a Cleanup
Another way people celebrate Earth Day is to do a community-wide cleanup. They pick up a bag and maybe a pair of gloves and start getting all that trash from parks, off the streets, and out of waterways. This activity is a fantastic way you can help the Earth and make it a much safer place for kids as well as all the animals that call the area their home.
Go Paperless
You’ve probably received plenty of fliers in the mail from your bank or other credit card companies asking you to go paperless. It’s a great plan because it’s going to stop trees from being cut down to make paper. A lot of chemicals go into the air during the process of making that paper. Plus the space in the landfill when you finally throw those things away are filling. It’s also going to be a lot simpler for you to keep organized.
Earth Day weekend is here, and there is much that each of us can do to make a difference for Mother Earth. It’s not just one day a year where we should care about her, but instead, about little things that we can do all the time to make our planet better.
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